In this post we are going write a utility that compares large arrays efficiently which can then be used to label clusters. First of all, it should be defines what is meant by large and efficiently. Large refers to arrays that are longer than 1000. A efficient algorithm scales better than $O(N^2)$ where $N$ is the number of arrays.
I am currently working on implementing a clustering algorithm, Markov cluster algorithm, where each cluster has an associated row vector in the transtion matrix:
\[\begin{bmatrix} a & a & a & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & b & b & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & & & & \cdots & & & 0 \\ 0 & & & & \cdots & & & 0 \\ a & a & a & 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & & & \vdots & & & & \vdots \\ 0 & & & \cdots & & & c & c \end{bmatrix}\]Rows 1. and 5. denotes the same cluster which consists of the first three nodes, whereas the second and seventh row belong to two different clusters. By finding the unique rows one can assign the cluster labels to the nodes.
Initial considerations
Unfortunately, python is not designed for numerical heavy programming tasks, therefore a native python implementation where we perform $N^{2}$ array comparisons would definitely be a suboptimal solution. In general, most of the time one is primarily concered with overcoming the speed limitations of python when implementing numerical algorithms. The usual pathways are
- Write the numerically demanding parts in a compiled language (e.g. C, fortran)
- Write the code in cython which is then compiled
- Use compiled python libraries (e.g. numpy)
- Write the code in python and use a just in time compiler (e.g. numba)
- Rephrase the problem so that it becomes tractable in native python
Data format – sprase matrices
The matrices are stored in the compressed sparse row (csr) format.
A csr
matrix consists of three arrays. One that stores the nonzero (nnz) elements of the matrix, one that stores the column indices and a third one that stores the accumulative number of nnz entries for each row. These are called
, sparse_matrix.inidces
, sparse_matrix.indptr
in the scipy.sparse
Our hypothetical matrix from the first paragraph would look like = [a, a, a, b, b, a, a, a,..., c, c]
sparse_matrix.indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2,..., N-2, N-1]
sparse_matrix.indptr = [0, 3, 5, 5, 5, 8, 8,..., 8, 10]
Meaningful data
One can readily observe that only the column indices carry information on the clusters. The actual values are redundant for they are equal for a given column index. As a consequence, one only has to compare the column indices of the rows. The first task is then to retrieve the column indices for each row.
Possible solutions
1. solution: breaking down to smaller groups.
Two rows are definitely different if the number of their nnz entries are not equal. Therefore if we group the rows according to their length (length from now on refer to the number of nnz elements), the comparison should only be carried out in the so-created groups. The cost still would be $(N/k)^{2} \approx O(N^{2})$. It is not great, but can serve as a starting point.
\[\begin{eqnarray} &1.& storage \leftarrow \{\text{None} : []\} \\ &2.& iptr \leftarrow 0 \\ &3.& nnz\_in\_rows \leftarrow \, \text{calculate number of nnz entries in rows} \\ &3.& \mathbf{for} \, i = 0, N - 1 \\ &3.1 & \qquad \mathbf{if} \, nnz\_in\_rows(i) = 0: \\ &3.2 & \qquad \qquad skip \\ &3.3 & \qquad \mathbf{else}: \\ &3.4 & \qquad \qquad idcs = a.indices[iptr:iptr+nnz\_in\_rows(i)-1]\\ &3.5 & \qquad \qquad storage[\text{len}(idcs)].\text{append}(idcs) \\ &3.6 & \qquad iptr += nnz\_in\_rows(i) \end{eqnarray}\]We are going to use defaultdict
to store the vectors of equal length; and three generators, islice
, map
and filter
to speed up the iteration over the column indices.
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import islice
def group_rows_by_length(a):
Groups the rows or columns of a csr or csc sparse matrix according to their length.
a ({scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix) : matrix
storage ({int : [[]]}) : dictionary where the keys are the length of the rows, the values the list of rows.
storage = defaultdict(list)
nnz_in_rows = np.diff(a.indptr)
[storage[len(x)].append(x) for x in map(lambda y: list(islice(a.indices, y)), filter(lambda z: z > 0, nnz_in_rows))]
return storage
All scipy sparse matrices implement the tolil()
method which recasts the matrix to a list of lists format. In fact, we tacitly did exactly the same above. The tolil()
source code can be found here. The only drawback of using tolil()
that it copies the data across to the new lil
matrix instance – a costly step.
2. solution #hash
What aspects of the previous solution can be improved?
- We will still have to compare the vectors. Albeit, only smaller groups of them.
- We are still using a native python loop in the form of loop comprehension.
- Updating the dictionary is expensive.
As to the last issue, do we really need to store the indices? Can we use the indices themselves as keys instead? If so, the keys of the dictionary can solely used to identify the various vectors. Yes we can! Only modification that we have to do is to cast the nozero indices as tuple
-s as opposed to list
-s, so that they can be hashed.
\[\begin{eqnarray} &1.& unique_rows \leftarrow \{\} \\ &2.& iptr \leftarrow 0 \\ &3.& nnz\_in\_rows \leftarrow \, \text{calculate number of nnz entries in rows} \\ &3.& \mathbf{for} \, i = 0, N - 1 \\ &3.1 & \qquad \mathbf{if} \, nnz\_in\_rows(i) = 0: \\ &3.2 & \qquad \qquad skip \\ &3.3 & \qquad \mathbf{else}: \\ &3.4 & \qquad \qquad key \leftarrow \text(tuple) (a.indices[iptr:iptr+nnz\_in\_rows(i)-1])\\ &3.5 & \qquad \qquad unique\_rows[key] \leftarrow i \\ &3.6 & \qquad iptr \, += nnz\_in\_rows(i) \end{eqnarray}\]In python:
import numpy as np
def select_unique_rows(a):
Selects the unique rows from a csr/csc matrix.
a ({scipy.sparse.csr_matrix,scipy_sparse.csc_matrix}) a sparse matrix.
unique_rows ({:}) : the keys of the dictionary are tuples of the column indices of the unique rows.
The values are the last occurences of the unique rows.
nnz_in_rows = np.diff(a.indptr)
unique_rows = {tuple(islice(a.indices, int(x))) : y for y, x in enumerate(filter(lambda x: x > 0, nnz_in_rows))}
return unique_rows
If we do not care about the row indices (and we do not really), the enumerate()
constructor can be removed:
def select_unique_rows_lite(a):
Selects the unique rows from a csr/csc matrix.
a ({scipy.sparse.csr_matrix,scipy_sparse.csc_matrix}) a sparse matrix.
unique_rows ({:}) : the keys of the dictionary are tuples of the column indices of the unique rows.
The values are set to unit
nnz_in_rows = np.diff(a.indptr)
unique_rows = {tuple(islice(a.indices, int(x))) : 1 for x in filter(lambda x: x > 0, nnz_in_rows)}
return unique_rows
Furthermore, we can only keep the keys, for the values carry no useful information. This can be achieved by using set
as opposed to tuple
def select_unique_rows_lite_wset(a):
Selects the unique rows from a csr/csc matrix.
a ({scipy.sparse.csr_matrix,scipy_sparse.csc_matrix}) a sparse matrix.
unique_rows ({}) : set of tuples of column indices of the unique rows.
nnz_in_rows = np.diff(a.indptr)
unique_rows = set(tuple(islice(a.indices, int(x))) for x in filter(lambda x: x > 0, nnz_in_rows))
return unique_rows
Much better. There are a number issues, though.
- Filtering can be expensive. It will always be a tradeoff between how many nnz rows we have, and much time filtering takes. Usually, we will not have any if we treat the
matrix properly. - We still iterating in native python.
def select_unique_rows_lite_nofilter(a):
Selects the unique rows from a csr/csc matrix.
a ({scipy.sparse.csr_matrix,scipy_sparse.csc_matrix}) a sparse matrix.
unique_rows ({:}) : the keys of the dictionary are tuples of the column indices of the unique rows.
The values are set to unit
nnz_in_rows = np.diff(a.indptr)
unique_rows = {tuple(islice(a.indices, int(x))) : 1 for x in nnz_in_rows}
return unique_rows
Once the clusters are determined, one can create an array of the cluster labels. assign_cluster_labels
does this job for the select_unique_rows_lite
, select_unique_rows_lite_wset
and select_unique_rows_lite_nofilter
functions. Again, filtering can be removed if we made sure there are no empty rows in the matrix.
def assign_cluster_label(clusters):
n_nodes = sum(map(lambda x: len(x), clusters))
labels = np.full(n_nodes, -1, dtype =
for label, cluster in enumerate(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, clusters)):
labels[np.array(cluster)] = label
3. Solution: Colouring
Imagine the nodes as an array of beads of uniform colour. We than paint the beads belonging to the same cluster with the same colour. Once all of the beads are painted they have all been assigned to a cluster. We are going to implement this solution using numba.
import numba
def colour_array_numba(idcs, iptr, labels):
Assigns labels.
idcs (np.ndarray of : csr indices
iptr (np.ndarray of : csr row pointers
labels (np.ndarray of : initialised label array
n_nodes = iptr.size - 1 # number of nodes
i_label = 0 # "colour"
n_coloured = 0 # number of coloured nodes
# --- loop over all rows <--> vectors <--> clusters
for i in range(n_nodes):
# grep a cluster
i_start, i_end = iptr[i], iptr[i+1]
n_nodes_in_cluster = i_start - i_end
# skip if it is empty
if n_nodes_in_cluster == 0: continue
inodes = idcs[i_start:i_end]
# if already coloured skip
if labels[inodes[0]] != -1:
# assign colour
labels[inodes] = i_label
i_label += 1
# keep track of coloured nodes
n_coloured += n_nodes_in_cluster
# shortcut if all nodes have been coloured
if n_coloured == n_nodes:
def assign_labels(a):
Assigns a label to the nodes
a (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) : sparse matrix
labels (np.ndarray of : cluster label for each node
# --- create an array of uniform labels
labels = np.full(a.shape[1], -1, dtype =
# --- colour nodes according to clusters
colour_array_numba(a.indices, a.indptr, labels)
return labels
We are going to compare the above methods on the sets created with our efficient create_block_diagonal_csr_matrix_np
import sys
from BlockDiag import create_block_diagonal_csr_matrix_np
In the following paragraph, we create a number of cluster groups in the csr
representation. The size and nuber of clusters vary between 10 and 1000. Only 5% of the row vectors is retained in each block. In the largest example, it means 1000 times 50 vectors of length of 1000 nodes each.
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
parameter_grid = ParameterGrid({'cluster_size' : [10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000],
'n_clusters' : [10, 50, 200, 500, 1000]})
keep_density = 0.05
keep_each_row = True
As to timing, I wrote a bare bones timer utility, SlimTimer
, which will be invoked to measure the execution times.
from slimTimer.SlimTimer import SlimTimer
# set up a timer for each function with nine runs to measure each
n_runs = 5
timers = [SlimTimer(func = select_unique_rows_lite, n_runs = n_runs),
SlimTimer(func = select_unique_rows_lite_wset, n_runs = n_runs),
SlimTimer(func = select_unique_rows_lite_nofilter, n_runs = n_runs),
SlimTimer(func = assign_labels, n_runs = n_runs)]
We will now measure how the functions perform for each matrix sequentially.
timings = []
for params in parameter_grid:
# create blocks i.e. groups of clusters
clusters = [params['cluster_size']] * params['n_clusters']
# set up matrix
mat = create_block_diagonal_csr_matrix_np(clusters, fill_value = 1,
keep_density = keep_density,
keep_each_block = True)
# measure labeling time
for timer in timers:
# get timing results
res_dict = params.copy()
for timer in timers:
res_dict.update(timer.to_dict(with_tag = True))
# collect results
We will plot the comparisions grouped by the the size of the clusters.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame(timings)
grouped = df.groupby('cluster_size')
In case you wish to use this notebook, the header of the dataframe shown below. We will need the n_cluster
, function_name_tmean
and function_name_tstdev
columns to plot the timings, which contain the number of clusters, the mean runtime and the standard error of the mean time for each labeling function.
Index(['assign_labels_runtimes', 'assign_labels_tmean', 'assign_labels_tstdev',
'cluster_size', 'n_clusters',
'select_unique_rows_lite_runtimes', 'select_unique_rows_lite_tmean',
The comparison of the timing of the various functions can be seen below.
It is of no surprise that the compiled function is the fastest for all sizes and numbers of clusters by a long chalk. As to the native python methods, ommission of filtering speeds up the process. One can also observer that costructing sets is slower than constructing a dictionary for our purposes.
We wrote and compared native python and compiled utilities to label clusters. We have found that the compiled utility is superior to the native python ones. Whether to use it? I would argue that if efficiency is the most important desideratum of our program, one should never by shy to use the tools to achive it.